Luther Forest - Malta, NY

Region: Saratoga County

Level: Easy

Luther Forest is located in the technology park area of Luther Forest, in Malta, NY, nearby my home town of Burnt Hills. The Luther Forest trails are a popular spot for local mountain biking, running and hiking. Also, as you can see from the photos, they serve as a great set of trails for snowshoeing in the winter time. 

My parents have been taking me to Luther for a few years since they became somewhat avid mountain bikers. It was the first set of trails I tried when mountain biking, and overall, they're pretty moderate relative to other capital region trails for mountain biking. They serve as a great loop for beginners and more consistent mountain bikers who want to get in a good work out in a relatively short period of time. They're also dog-friendly trails. It seems as of recently, though, as more and more real estate moves into the area, more of the trail area is no longer OK to bike through. Hopefully this trend slows and the trails are left as is. 

Overall, an easy and fun trail for a variety of activities.