Buck Mountain
Region: Adirondacks
Level: Moderate
First things first, let’s get some housekeeping out of the way. My name is Tyler Place. and I will be providing unique and creative content that the BHBL Hall of Famer and child prodigy Kyle P. Holmes lacks.
As the new addition to the most comprehensive and enthusiastic New York male hiking blog, here are some quick tidbits about myself to get acquainted with my new flourishing audience. I like undercooked red meat and baby spinach. I have great legs and compete at hot yoga. Now that we’re all caught up let’s begin this riveting journey.
March 31st, 2018 approx. 9am
Buck Mountain, HERE I COME!
Buck Mountain Trailhead. Plenty of generous hikers offering up walking sticks for fellow hikers.
Located on the South East edge of Lake George, Buck Mountain trailhead begins. While most describe this as a well trafficked trail, the 15 car parking lot says otherwise. Once the weather gets better I would assume parking on the road becomes the only option, creating an unsafe environment for all, squirrels and tortoises alike.
The trail began with a homey nurturing feel with numerous used walking sticks leaning against the information board. Within a few hundred feet you’re greeted by the soothing sounds of a babbling creek tickling the smooth rocks. The numerous winding streams are a staple on this trail as you are always in ear and eyesight of one. Words to the wise, expect to get a little wet. The sunlight beams through the tall canopy, heating the ground below it, encouraging the wilderness creatures out of their homes.
If you’re an avid bird watcher or possibly dabble in common bird law, you’ll start to pick up on the heavenly sounds of the north east cardinals and wood peckers. As you begin to climb above the tree lines you’ll spot many of the Lake George hawk breads that circle the peaks and glistening lake scouring for tree rats. Maybe even catch a bald eagle dip down and claw a fresh perch out of the lake (probably will need binoculous for this act of mother nature).
At the top you’ll be able to take in all of the voluptuous peaks of the surrounding landscapes. On this day the peak required traversing through three feet of snow that had yet to begin to thaw.
Summit shot. That small white-colored building on the island at the center of the shot is the famous Sagamore Resort.
Overall the trail is well traced with markers reasonably visible from each point and you can expect to complete within 4 hours. The beginning half of the trail is a steady traverse up, while the second half is where the real fun begins.
Me with a great shot of Lake George in the background from Buck's summit.